Crockpot BBQ Chicken

I have to admit it– I’m lazy when it comes to eating. (Which is kind of ironic because I’m a health blogger who should probably eat 4 meals a day… But I digress.)

Don’t get me wrong, I love to cook. But, when it comes to eating, I often have class during lunch time and end up not eating anything because I am too lazy to get up and go grab something from the dining hall. I just don’t have the motivation to go out in the cold just so I can eat a plate of salad (for the fifteenth lunch in a row).

So, to get myself to start eating lunch on a consistent basis this semester, I’m going to try to make more meal prep recipes because I need some recipes that I can make one day and eat for the next five. Also, I just really love how flavorful and delicious slow cooker meals are.

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My Go-To HIIT Workout

For the longest time, I was scared of HIIT workouts. I can’t remember exactly what made me scared of them, but (for some very obscure reason) I was terrified of HIIT workouts. Whenever I was doing a workout calendar, I would skip over the HIIT workouts because I was scared.

I think I compared HIIT to Crossfit (which still scares me, but I’m looking into trying Crossfit some time in the near future). I think I thought HIIT was hard and scary and required a lot of strength (all of my strength is found in my right calf) that I didn’t necessarily have.

I just had a really irrational fear of HIIT.

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Protein Hot Chocolate

One thing you should know about me is that I love hot chocolate. The minute the peppermint hot chocolate from Starbucks comes back into season, I cry and then go to the nearest store and buy a grande. I just can’t help myself.

You know how Superman’s weakness is  kryptonite? Well, my weakness is hot chocolate.

If there’s a cup of hot chocolate in a 100 yard radius, I’m going to drink it. The only problem is that it is filled with sugar and will often leave me feeling exhausted (and in a slight sugar haze for a few hours).

So, to combat my insane desire for hot chocolate during the winter months, I have come up with a delicious and healthy hot chocolate (with a good amount of protein). It’s chocolatey, delicious, and you can make it without added sugars (yay for no sugar haze!).

So, after your next workout, grab some protein powder and whip this up for a nice post-workout recovery drink or make it late night when you want a good cup of hot chocolate that doesn’t leave you crashing.

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My 2018 Goals

Well, hello there! Welcome to Avocardio Addict, a health and fitness blog run by me, Isabella, your resident college student and Zumba obsessed friend who just wants to get healthier every day.

One thing you should definitely know about me is that I am a chronic list maker. I think I started making lists my freshman year of high school and now I make a list just about every day… I can’t survive without my lists. They keep me organized and accountable and I honestly wouldn’t have survived my first year of college without my daily to-do lists.

So, every year I make a yearly goals list because I just can’t help myself. I just have to make a list. I need something to keep my accountable and motivated to crush the year ahead.

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